
Thanksgiving Recipe: Glazed ham

Are you craving a delicious and succulent glazed ham that will impress your family and guests? Look no further! In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to make the best-glazed ham with a sweet and flavorful maple syrup and brown sugar glaze. This mouthwatering dish is perfect for holiday feasts, special occasions, or any time you want to treat yourself to something truly exceptional.Thanksgiving Recipe: Glazed ham

Ingredients You’ll Need

Before diving into the instructions, let’s gather all the essential ingredients for this delectable glazed ham:

  • 5 kg / 10 lb leg ham, bone-in, skin on
  • 30 Cloves (for studding the ham, optional – mainly for decorative purposes)
  • 2 oranges, cut into quarters
  • 1 cup (250ml) water
  • GLAZE:
    • 3/4 cup (185ml) maple syrup (substitute honey if preferred)
    • 3/4 cup (165g) brown sugar, packed
    • 3 tbsp Dijon mustard (can substitute American or other plain mustard)
    • 3/4 tsp ground cinnamon
    • 1/2 tsp All Spice (or nutmeg)

Step-by-Step Instructions

Now that we have all the ingredients ready, let’s embark on the journey of creating a heavenly glazed ham:

  1. Prepare the HamTake the ham out of the fridge at least 1 hour before cooking to bring it to room temperature. Preheat your oven to 160°C / 320°F (140°C fan) and arrange the shelf in the lower third so that the ham will be perfectly centered in the oven during baking.Thanksgiving Recipe: Glazed ham
  2. Create the GlazeIn a bowl, mix together the maple syrup, brown sugar, Dijon mustard, ground cinnamon, and All Spice (or nutmeg) until well combined. You can use a whisk if needed to ensure a smooth and homogenous glaze.Thanksgiving Recipe: Glazed ham
  3. Remove the Ham Rind (Skin)Run a small knife around the bone handle, down each side of the ham, and under the rind on the cut face. Slide your fingers under the rind and run them back and forth to loosen it while gently pulling the rind back. Use a knife if necessary to slice off any residual rind.Thanksgiving Recipe: Glazed ham
  4. Score the HamLightly cut 2.5cm / 1″ diamonds across the fat surface of the ham, about 75% of the way into the fat. Be careful not to cut into the meat. For an optional decorative touch, insert a clove at the intersection of the cross of each diamond on the surface.Thanksgiving Recipe: Glazed ham
  5. Brush on the GlazeBrush or spoon half of the glaze all over the surface and cut face of the ham. Don’t worry about the underside, as the glaze will naturally drip down into the pan.Thanksgiving Recipe: Glazed ham
  6. Add Water and BakePour the water into the baking dish, then place it in the preheated oven. Bake the ham for 1.5 – 2 hours, basting generously every 30 minutes with the remaining glaze and juices in the pan, until the ham becomes sticky and golden. Use foil patches to protect bits of the ham that brown faster than others. Simply press the foil patches lightly, as caramelization won’t peel off with the foil.Thanksgiving Recipe: Glazed ham
  7. Rest and BasteAllow the glazed ham to rest for at least 20 minutes before serving. While resting, continue basting the ham with the glaze in the pan, as it cools and thickens, creating an even more beautiful glaze.Thanksgiving Recipe: Glazed ham


  1. Q: Can I use other types of meat for this glaze? A: While this glaze is designed for ham, you can experiment with other meats like pork loin or chicken.
  2. Q: Is there a substitute for maple syrup in the glaze? A: Yes, you can use honey instead of maple syrup for a slightly different flavor profile.
  3. Q: How do I ensure the ham is cooked thoroughly? A: Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature, which should reach 145°F (63°C).
  4. Q: Can I prepare the glaze in advance? A: Yes, you can make the glaze ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator until you’re ready to use it.
  5. Q: Should I remove the cloves before serving? A: It’s best to let your guests know about the cloves, so they can remove them if desired.
  6. Q: Can I add other spices to the glaze? A: Absolutely! Feel free to experiment with your favorite spices to customize the glaze to your taste.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully learned how to make the best-glazed ham that will undoubtedly impress everyone at your dining table. The sweet and savory flavors of the maple syrup and brown sugar glaze, along with the delightful citrus notes from the oranges, make this dish a true showstopper. Enjoy the mouthwatering aromas as your ham caramelizes to perfection in the oven, and bask in the delight of your guests’ compliments. Serve this masterpiece at your next gathering, and you’ll be hailed as the culinary hero of the day!

Jessy Lion

From the heart of my bustling kitchen, I, Jessy Lion, share my love for food, bringing a wealth of 25 years of culinary experience to your table. Aged 40, my life revolves around not just cooking, but also cherishing, and crafting unique experiences around food.

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