
How to make Thanksgiving Veggie Tray

Thanksgiving is a time for gratitude, family gatherings, and indulging in scrumptious food. While the traditional Thanksgiving turkey takes center stage on most dinner tables, we bring you a creative twist on the classic. Our Vegan Thanksgiving Turkey Veggie Tray is a delightful and nutritious alternative that will leave your guests in awe.How to make Thanksgiving Veggie Tray

Ingredients: What You’ll Need

  • Celery
  • Baby Carrots
  • Bell Peppers (Orange, Red, Yellow, and Green)
  • Cucumbers
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Vegan Ranch Dressing
  • Vegan Edible Candy Eyeballs
  • Spinach (optional for garnish)

Step-by-Step Instructions: Let’s Get Cooking

Step 1: Prepare the Vegetables

  • Start by washing all the vegetables thoroughly under cold running water. Pat them dry with a clean kitchen towel or paper towels. This step ensures that your veggie tray will be fresh and free from any dirt or debris.How to make Thanksgiving Veggie Tray

Step 2: Prepare the Vegan Ranch Dressing

  • In a small bowl, combine vegan ranch dressing with a dollop of vegan mayo for a creamy and tangy buttermilk dip. Mix well until smooth and creamy.
  • Place the bowl of vegan buttermilk dip near the veggie tray, allowing guests to indulge in the flavors as they enjoy the veggie turkey.How to make Thanksgiving Veggie Tray

Step 3: Create the Turkey Body

  • Take a large platter or tray and place the washed and trimmed celery stalks in the center. These will form the turkey’s body.
  • Surround the celery with the baby carrots to create the turkey’s feathers, making sure to alternate colors for a vibrant display.
  • If you prefer a pop of green, arrange fresh spinach leaves around the turkey platter. This adds a touch of elegance to the overall presentation.How to make Thanksgiving Veggie Tray

Step 4: Assemble the Tail Feathers

  • Arrange the cucumber slices in a fan shape. These slices will serve as the turkey’s tail feathers, adding a beautiful and refreshing touch to the platter.How to make Thanksgiving Veggie Tray

Step 5: Add the Decorative Elements

  • Cut the cauliflower florets into small, flat shapes resembling feathers. Place them on top of the cucumber tail feathers.
  • Now, add the broccoli florets between the cauliflower feathers to complete the tail design.How to make Thanksgiving Veggie Tray

Step 6: Bring the Turkey to Life

  • Place the bell peppers at the top of the celery to form the turkey’s head, using different colors for the beak and wattle.
  • Gently press the vegan edible candy eyeballs into the bell pepper head to give your turkey a charming and whimsical appearance.How to make Thanksgiving Veggie Tray

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can I use other vegetables for the veggie tray?

Absolutely! Feel free to get creative and customize the veggie tray with your favorite vegetables. Some other great options include cherry tomatoes, snap peas, and radishes.

Where can I find vegan edible candy eyeballs?

You can find vegan edible candy eyeballs at specialty baking stores or online retailers that cater to vegan and plant-based products.

Can I make the veggie tray ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare the vegetables and store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator a day before assembling the veggie tray. This will save you time on the day of your Thanksgiving gathering.

Can I use store-bought vegan ranch dressing?

Of course! While making your own vegan ranch dressing is simple and delicious, you can use store-bought vegan ranch dressing for convenience.

Is this veggie tray suitable for kids?

Absolutely! Kids will love the whimsical appearance of the veggie turkey, making it a fun and nutritious option for children during Thanksgiving.

How long can I keep the veggie tray out for serving?

To ensure food safety, it’s best to keep the veggie tray out for no more than two hours. After that, any remaining veggies should be refrigerated.

With this step-by-step guide, you can create a show-stopping Vegan Thanksgiving Turkey Veggie Tray that will impress your guests and satisfy their taste buds. This guilt-free and nutritious option is a delightful addition to any Thanksgiving celebration. Embrace your creativity, and don’t forget to check out our website for more delicious vegan recipes. From all of us, Happy Thanksgiving, and may your table be filled with joy, gratitude, and wholesome goodness!

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How to make Thanksgiving Veggie Tray

Jessy Lion

From the heart of my bustling kitchen, I, Jessy Lion, share my love for food, bringing a wealth of 25 years of culinary experience to your table. Aged 40, my life revolves around not just cooking, but also cherishing, and crafting unique experiences around food.

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